Archive for 'Editorials'

The Summer Architectural Tour 2013: Dublin (Ireland, part 1)
This summer, Mark, Anne, Kent & Bruno, (all architects) wandered across Ireland and France, enjoying life, landscape and architecture. We had all spent plenty of time in France, but had managed to reach our fine middle years having missed the Emerald Isle.
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Modern on a shoestring: How to spend less than $75,000 and completely change your home.
Last summer, I purchased a home in Napa with my partner, Anne Fougeron. Most of the existing style choices were an abomination to our modernist sensibilities.
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New Orleans Rebuilding: Could Topography Make It Right?
A Tulane University geographer reframes the debate about the fate of below-sea-level New Orleans. “The city still has over 2,000 open lots all above sea level – a precious natural resource whose use we should prioritize for human occupancy. Filling in these pockets would also help mend the urban fabric that was torn by the population exodus ongoing since the 1960s. And we can do this without marginalizing low-lying neighborhoods.”
(Map courtesy Prof. Richard Campanella)
by Rebecca Firestone with Mark English AIA
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New Orleans Post-Katrina: Making It Right?
“When I visited New Orleans last fall, there was no way to prepare myself for the despair I felt when walking through the Lower 9th Ward, even 6 years after the storm. What was most dismaying was seeing ‘celebrity architecture’ masquerading as sustainable housing. A vacuum of leadership at every level has left the task of ‘salvation’ to celebrities … with projects that are an exercise of vanity over practicality.
What place does LEED certification have in a disaster recovery if it makes construction so costly that only a handful of homes get built? Whose intentions are really more important?”
– Mark English, AIA
by Rebecca Firestone with Mark English AIA
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Are Architects and Social Media Really Compatible? (Updated)
Mark English and Jerry James are presenting at the AIA East Bay on March 4th on how small design and construction firms can adopt social media to further their own marketing strategies.
by Rebecca Firestone with Mark English AIA