Archive for 'Short Takes'

Short Takes: Country Pyramid
This monument to the “afterlife” is to be found near the Carneros Inn, Napa. Hordes of mummies, ghouls and goblins will be queuing up soon.
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Short Takes: “Brand Building in the era of the Empowered Client”
Last week, we participated in a webinar hosted by the AIA CRAN called “Brand Building in the era of the Empowered Client”. Joining us were Liza Hausman of and architects Bud Dietrich, Jane Frederick and Stuart Narofsky.
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Short Takes: San Francisco Moment #3- Urban Menagerie
Hidden in the shadow of the wonderful Alcoa Building, by SOM, is a delightful little creature..
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NOW NEXT FUTURE conference 2012
A conference presented by the AIACC to explore enhancements in design thinking made possible through technological innovation.
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Short Takes: Portuguese Architects win International Competition
Our Friends in Portugal have just announced that they have won an International Competition hosted by Architecture for Humanity. Keep up the great work, and congratulations!
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San Francisco Event: Open Houzz at DWR
Architects, Designers, Builders and others in the Bay Area Design Community, You are invited to the OPEN HOUZZ event this September 1, at 2299 Alameda Street, San Francisco, CA.
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Short Takes: Taken for Granite – A Curbside Tale
For the past week, the San Francisco DPW has been tearing up the sidewalk outside of our office, with an ear-splitting racket – and wasting some of the greatest material around. Whatever happened to San Francisco’s “green” values? Aren’t reclaiming and reuse the bedrock, as it were, of sustainable principles?
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Short Takes: I’ll be speaking at the Wooden Window Showroom about Social Media.
The good folks at Wooden Window host a monthly Community Breakfast networking event for those of us in the Design and Construction professions.
Next week, Wednesday August 1, I will be giving a short presentation about how I use Social Media in my practice, and why.
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Short Takes: San Francisco Moment #2- the Non-Bay Window
My favorite Bay Window in San Francisco….