Now Next Future Conference 2014
by Mark English, AIA | Work/News
Join your fellow architects for the NOW NEXT FUTURE conference presented by AIACC this October in Santa Monica.
Join your fellow architects for the NOW NEXT FUTURE conference presented by AIACC this October in Santa Monica. You’ll hear from innovative designers and modernists who are venturing into uncharted territory as technology and tools continue to advance. Topics include social media, component buildings, 3D Printing, smart buildings, robotics, self-assembly and more.
“Technology is evolving and so must we as architects and designers.”
– 2012 NNF Attendee
October 24 & 25, 2014
Gehry Technologies Office, Playa Vista (Friday, October 24)
Cross Campus, Santa Monica (Saturday, October 25)
Register: http://www.cvent.com/d/t4qddd
About: http://nownextfuture.aiacc.org/?page_id=1777
Speakers: http://nownextfuture.aiacc.org/?page_id=1893
Schedule: http://nownextfuture.aiacc.org/?page_id=1936
Location: http://nownextfuture.aiacc.org/#section-location
Tom Albright, Ph.D., ANFA President, Professor of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Russell Fortmeyer, LEED AP, BD+C, LA Office Director, Sustainable Design, Arup
Damon Hernandez, Director of Tech Tools, Idea Builder Homes
Ann Hand, CEO, Project Frog
Craig Hodgetts, FAIA, Founding Principal and Creative Director, Hodgetts + Fung
Lisa Iwamoto and Craig Scott, AIA, Principals, IwamotoScott
Jennifer Luce, AIA, Principal, Luce et Studio
Nathan Miller, Associate Partner, CASE
E.B. Min, AIA and Jeff Day, AIA, Principals, Min I Day
Lucas Reames, Associate AIA, Project Director, Gehry Technologies, Inc.
Evan Sharp, Co-Founder and Ex-Architect, Pinterest
Ryan Spruston, AIA LEED AP, Associate, Gensler
Skylar Tibbits, Director, Self-Assembly Lab at MIT and Senior TED Fellow
Amanda Walter, Communications Strategist, Walter Communications